Visit to Erbad refugee camp 2018-02-11 11:35:24   NEWS CENTER - North Syrian Democratic Federation Administration visited the Erbad Refugee Camp located in Southern Kurdistan.   A delegation consists of North Syrian Democratic Federation Administration visited the Erbad Refugee Camp located in Southern Kurdistan. The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) Assembly Chair Mihyedin Yusuf Hesen welcomed the delegation consists of Cizre Canton Co-chair Hiva Erabo, Cizre Canton deputy Co-chair Apram İshaq, Kongra Star Southern Kurdistan representative Cihan Xelil and Welide Boti from Kongra Star Administration. The delegation members made a speech during the welcoming ceremony.   ‘Attacks are condemned to lose’   Cizre Canton Co-chair Hiva Erabo said the refugees staying in the camp lost their houses and lands due to the attacks in Syria and Rojava in 2014 and she called on the people to return their villages and houses. Hiva said, “We should have our homeland even if we don’t have bread and water. Our resistance growing in Rojava is disturbing some groups. Everyone expects the Kurds to bow to sovereigns as in the past. But the revolution in Rojava and the resistance spreading in Northern Syria create a new hope and spirit for the Kurdish people. Today, Turkish state is attacking Afrin by using all of its power. But all friends and enemies should know that the attacks by 72 Turkish warplanes were frustrated from the first moment. They said they would finish in three days but they cannot advance 10 meters for 23 days. And this happens thanks to the children of resisting Kurdish, Arab, Syrian and Armenian people. Member of NATO, Turkish army is condemned to lose although it has opportunities and support.”   ‘We will never be defeated’   Leyla Murat, member of Kongra Star of the Erbad Camp, stated that they stand by the people of Afrin. “We will never be defeated. Because we are right. We don’t have desire to take anyone’s land. And we will never give our lands to anyone. We support the resistance of the people of Afrin and I want to state that we stand by them to the end.”