14 people killed in Afrin sent off on an eternal journey 2018-02-10 15:42:01   AFRÎN - 14 people killed in Turkish attacks on Afrin have been sent off an eternal journey.   Turkish attacks on Afrin have entered the 22nd day. A funeral ceremony was organized for 14 YPG/YPJ fighters, who lost their lives while resisting attacks, with the participation of thousands of people. People of Afrin gathered outside of Avrin Hospital to bid farewell to them. Families of Martyrs’ Organization member Şezye Ibrahîm made a speech during the ceremony held near Martyr Avesta Xabur Martyrdom and said, “Our heroes are enlightening our path for resistance. I am calling on international organizations; your silence against invaders means you are a party to this crime, give up this partnership.”   PYD Co-chair Ayşe Hiso also attended the ceremony and she said, “We are greeting the heroic resistance of YPG/YPJ firghters against the attacks of the Turkish invaders and their gangs. Our martyrs sacrificed their lives to protect the civilians. Turkish state kills civilians, including children and women; it carries out genocide here. But we will frustrate these attacks with our will.”