Solidarity tent from Ezîdî women for Afrin 2018-02-05 15:28:01   Delîla Axîn-Viyan Seîd   SHENGAL - Ezîdî women living in Sinûnê set up a solidarity tent in order to draw attention to attacks on Afrin and to support the resistance of people.   Attacks of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Forces (FSA) have entered the 17th day. Actions organized by people of Europe and Northern Syrian to support the resistance of people of Afrin continue to spread. Ezîdî women living in Sinûnê district of Shengal set up a solidarity tent to support the people of Afrin.   Condemning Turkish attacks on Afrin, the women greeted the resistance of the people of Afrin. Saying that the resistance of the people of Afrin strengthens them, the women expressed their support for the people of Afrin.   ‘AKP will be defeated in Afrin as Daesh was defeated in Shengal’   One of these women Herîvan Merwan emphasized that they will stand by the people of Afrin. “Erdoğan should know very well that his partner Daesh failed in Shengal. He will fail in Afrin. The mindset killing children and women should know very well that Afrin is our land. The children being killed there are our children. We will resist with Afrin to the end. We will hold the vigil here until Afrin becomes free. I am calling on people called themselves as the people having conscience; they should stand up and take a stand against these attacks.”   ‘We take strength from resisting women’   Canê Silêman also condemned Turkey’s attacks and said, “Daesh gangs entered Shengal and attacked the women, and today Erdoğan use the same method in Afrin. Today we take strength from women resisting tanks and artillery. They become model for us to strengthen the resistance. Turkish army will be defeated in Afrin as Daesh was defeated against a people having Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy. Erdoğan will be defeated against the volunteer Kurdish youths.”