28 women killed, 34 women subjected to violence in January 2018-02-05 11:04:42   NEWS CENTER - 28 women were killed, 34 women were subjected violence and 147 children suffered from sexual abuse in Turkey in the first month of 2018, according the reports of press outlets.   Attacks of male-dominant system with impunity, the politicians’ gendered discourse and policies, impunity policies of the judgement and lastly the closure of women’s organization by emergency decrees issued under the state of emergency increase the violence against women, sexual abuse and femicide.   As a result of organized male violence evenly spreading along with the state’s war policies, 28 women were killed, 34 women were subjected to violence, 147 children suffered from sexual abuse and 10 children were killed in Turkey in the first month of 2018.   Women were killed by husbands or partners   Women are killed or subjected violence by men almost every day in Turkey. According to reports published by news sites, newspaper and news agencies, 409 women were killed by men in 2017 and 28 women were killed in the first month of 2018.   34 women were subjected to violence   Men continue to subject women to physical, psychological, emotional and sexual violence in everywhere. As the violence against women have increased by 1400 percent during the 16-year AKP government, men inflicting violence against women in the buses, at home, at work and on the streets are awarded with impunity. Men, who inflicted violence against 354 in 2017, inflicted violence against 34 women in the first month of 2018.   147 children were subjected to sexual abuse, 10 children were killed   In 2017, 387 children were subjected to sexual abuse and 147 children were subjected sexual abuse and 10 children were killed by men in the first month of 2018.