SOHR: Body of a female Kurdish fighter was mutilated 2018-02-03 12:22:45   NEWS CENTER - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has announced that body of YPJ member Barin Kobani was mutilated and displayed in Afrin by Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). International press outlets like The Guardian and Reuters have also reported the mutilating of the body of the YPJ fighter.   The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has announced that body of YPJ member Barin Kobani was mutilated and displayed in Afrin by Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). The SOHR says, “The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights received a copy of a video showed a body of a female fighter of the YPG in Afrin area, after the Turkish forces and the rebel and Islamic factions operating in Operation “Olive Branch” managed to draw off the body, which sources confirmed to the SOHR that she was killed during the clashes witnessed in areas of the countryside of Afrin area, and the body was shown lying in the middle of a group of fighters and the upper part of the body was undressed after the body had been mutilated and parts of it had been cut off.”   The Guardian and Reuters also report   The Guardian has also reported the mutilating of the body of the female fighter of the YPJ identified as Barin Kobani.   As Kurds in Northern Syria have accused Turkish state of mutilating then filming the body of a female fighter after a video emerged of her corpse, the Reuters said they could not immediately reach Turkish military officials for comment.