People of Kobanê march to support resistance in Afrin 2018-01-31 16:57:36   KOBANÊ - Peoples of Northern Syria organized a march to support the resistance in Afrin and to protest attacks of Turkish army and FSA a on Afrin.   Peoples of Northern Syria organized a march to support the resistance in Afrin and to protest the attacks pf Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Afrin. Thousands people from Girê Spî, Eyn Îsa, Manbij, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor gathering in Sirînê district of Kobanê and marched.   People carried the pictures of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the flags of YPJ, YPG, Kongra Star, TEV-DEM and PYD during the march.