Sexual torture against women in Tarsus Prison 2018-01-30 11:57:01   Filiz Zeyrek   MERSİN - Women prisoners in Tarsus T-type Prison, where rights violations become intense, sent a message through their lawyers and they have announced that they were subjected to sexual violence in the prison by wardens and patient prisoner Sisê Bingöl was handcuffed while being taken to hospital.   Torture and maltreatment against prisoners are going on. The women prisoners sent a message through their lawyers and they have announced that wardens directly entered the bathrooms and restrooms when they were in. The message says those who reacted to the practice were subjected to sexual torture and taken into the cells and 78-year-old patient prisoner Sisê Bingöl was handcuffed while being taken to hospital.   Racist and provocative discourses   The message also states that health of a two-year-old baby held in prison with her mother is getting worse and constantly vomits due to alum used in the food of prison and that the prisoners have been subjected to racist and provocative discourses by wardens since the beginning of attacks on Afrin.