YPJ member Avesta Xabûr carries out a guerrilla action in Afrin 2018-01-28 12:30:49   AFRÎN - Attack on Afrin has entered its ninth day. Hawar News Agency (ANHA) says YPJ member Avesta Xabûr carried out a guerrilla action in Hemamê village of Cindirêsê district where the clashes have become intense.   Turkish army and Free Syrian Army (FSA) attack on Afrin has entered its ninth day. Afrin Health Council made a statement yesterday and announced that 50 civilians have been killed, 137 people have been wounded in the attacks since January 20.   Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has attacked Yalanqozê village of Cindires region and Baflune and Qitme villages and Qestele Hill of Shera from Azez since last night. No information on number of casualties has been obtained from the region violent clashes taking place.   Furthermore, violent clashes took place in the Hemamê village of Cindirêsê district last night. Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reports that YPJ member Avesta Xabûr carried out a guerrilla action to prevent the attack of a Turkish tank and destroyed the tank. Then, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) repelled the attack.   A funeral ceremony is reported to be organized for Avesta (nom de guerre Zelûx Hemo), who was born in Bilbilê district of Afrin in 1998.   Arîn Mîrkan   On 29th day of Kobanê resistance, YPJ Team Commander Dilar Gencxemîs (nom de guerre Arîn Mîrkan) carried out a guerrilla action against Daesh gangs on Miştenûr Hill on October 5, 2014.