Serpil Kemalbay: People of Afrin resist for their land, bread and water 2018-01-28 10:52:26   ANKARA - “They are imposing this war on the people for their self-interest,” said HDP Co-chair Serpil Kemalbay criticizing the indecisive attitude of Russia and USA. “The people of Afrin fight without the support from Russia and USA. The people in region resist for their homeland, bread, water and land,” said Serpil.   Turkish army and Free Syrian Army (FSA) attack on Afrin has entered its ninth day. On January 25, Afrin Canton Health Council announced that 35 civilians were killed and 106 people were wounded in the attacks. The attacks on the city by air and land continue.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Serpil Kemalbay said she saw the AKP and its leader Tayyip Erdoğan as the coordinator of the war and she condemned them. Serpil also said they would continue to stand against the war.   ‘We condemn the AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan government’   Serpil said, “We condemn the AKP and its leader Erdoğan, who are the coordinators of this war.  We have been in this war for about seven years. During this period, the war of tutelage was carried out in the region. In particular, the reality of people of Rojava standing up for their lives in conflict environment created by imperialist powers and regional states in Syria rises to the surface. People of Rojava held an election to vote for assemblies. Now this ongoing invasion attempt, war policy provoked by Turkey, take place while the war of tutelage in Syria comes to end and the negotiation process begins.”   ‘Rojava is a source of hope for people’   Saying that Rojava has been known as peace and democracy region, Serpil underlined that a war process begins following the attacks on Afrin.   “We have faced a ruling power providing training for FSA that has informal statutory factors. A solution that includes the Syrian Democratic Forces in the process that is being discussed and resolved in Sochi, Astana and Geneva is needed. Democratic forces are a source of hope for peoples because they build a system consisting of cantons by strengthening direct democracy and getting different peoples together.”   ‘We will continue to stand against war’   Recalling that the Kurdish people and the Syrian people fought Daesh gangs, Serpil criticized the indecisive attitude of Russia and USA and she said, “They are imposing this war on the people for their self-interest. The people of Afrin fight without the support from Russia and USA. The people in region resist for their homeland, bread, water and land. As HDP, we will continue to stand against these war policies.”