Turkish army attacks historic places in Afrin 2018-01-23 13:05:12   AFRÎN - Nebi Huri Castle located in Tilê Endarê region of Afrin’s Sherewa district has been completely destroyed in Turkish airstrikes.   Turkish attacks on Afrin have entered the fourth day. 24 people have been killed in the attacks of Turkish Armed Forces on Afrin until now. The reports say the historic places in Afrin have been also targeted by airstrikes. Nebi Huri Castle located in Tilê Endarê region of Afrin’s Sherewa district has been completely destroyed in Turkish airstrikes.   Daesh destroyed historic city of Palmyra   Killing thousands people, Daesh gangs had destroyed the historic city of Palmyra and they broke many historical buildings in the city.   Violent clashes in Raco   Bombardment of Turkish army on Afrin’s Raco district continues. Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Arm (FSA) have been reported to withdraw from Qude Hill in Raco district and local sources state that many soldiers were killed in ongoing clashes.