7 people detained in Istanbul, Bursa 2018-01-22 15:00:57   ISTANBUL - Seven people have been taken into custody for their anti-war posts on social media against the attacks on Afrin.   Detention operation against those who react to the attacks on Afrin on their social media accounts is going on. After detention of journalist Nurcan Baysal, Halkın Nabzı (People's Pulse) Newspaper Editor-in-Chief and Artı Gerçek writer İshak Karakaş has been detained. Police raided his house in Istanbul’s Maltepe district last night around 1 a.m. and took him into custody. İshak has been taken to Istanbul Police Headquarters on Vatan Avenue. Police also raided the house of writer Aziz Tunç in Istanbul. Police seized the books and notes of Aziz Tunç, who has lived abroad for two years.   6 detained in Bursa   Furthermore, police raided the houses of six people, who shared anti-war posts on their social media accounts and detained six people on charges of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”. Names of people under custody are as follows; Murat Kuru, Cemil Özyaşar, Zübeyde Uzunay, Fırat Uzunay, Aydın Akdağ and Mehmet Avunca.