17 civilians including 7 children killed in Afrin in 3 days 2018-01-22 13:30:44   NEWS CENTER - Turkish attacks on Afrin have entered the third day. Warplanes of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have targeted the settlements of civilians and so far at least 17 civilians including seven children have been killed in the attacks. According to reports received from Afrin Health Council, the number of wounded people in the hospitals in two days is over 28 people. The council states that the number of wounded and killed people is more.   On January 20, the National Security Council had a meeting under the presidency of AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan and they decided to launch an operation on Afrin. After this decision, the people of Afrin, where Kurdish, Arab, Syriac and Turkmen people have lived together for centuries and has been governed on the basis of democratic autonomy since July 19, 2012, said “Here we are appealing Erdoğan; what do you want from us, what are you doing in our lands?” and “We will resist the invasion.”   Tens of thousands of people of Afrin took to the streets   Tens of thousands Arab, Kurdish, Turkmen and Syriac people took to the streets on January 18 against the preparation for operation of the AKP government and they said, “The people of the city of olive are resisters. Afrin is our red line, no one can pass.   2 civilians wounded in the first day   On January 19, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) attacked the villages, where civilians live, by using howitzer and mortars. Two civilians were wounded in the attacks on Beluniye, Vila Qadi, Malikiye and Meranas villages of Afrin’s Shera district. Turkey opened fire on Ciyaye Gur region of Afrin’s Bilbile district and bombed historic Nebi Huri Hill.   On January 20, Turkish army began to bombthe civilians’ settlement Cindirêsê district of Afrin.   9-year-old Yehya Ehmed Hemade killed   Rubar Refugee Camp was another target of warplanes. A child and three women were wounded in the attack. Seriously wounded nine-year-old Yehya Ehmed Hemade passed away in the hospital. The people reacted to the attacks on social media under the hashtag #BabyKillerTurkey_Russia.   6 children killed in Cilber village by Turkish attacks   Airstrikes on Raco, Cinderis, Şerawa, Bilbile districts and many villages in the region continued in the second day. 11 civilians, including six children were killed in Cilber village of Sherawa district in Turkish airstrikes. One-year-old baby Waêl Hesen, Hedîl El Husên (10), Xaliye El Husên (8), Selme El Husên (6), Mesab El Husên (6), Ehmed El Husên (17) were killed in this attack.   The number may rise   According to reports received from Afrin Health Council, at least 17 civilians including seven children have been killed in the attacks until now. The council states that the number of wounded people in the hospitals in two days is over 28 people and that the number of wounded and killed people is more.   Airstrikes continue   Eyn Deqne, Merenaz, Qestel Cindo villages have been hit by artillery since 4 am. The howitzer attacks on the region between Cindires’ Hemam village and Sherawa’s Basufane village are going on.   UN Security Council to meet for Afrin   The United Nations Security Council will meet today for Afrin upon the request of France for an urgent meeting. The meeting will be held at 6 pm.   After the call of France, Turkey threatened the international community for bringing up the massacres against civilians and attacks Afrin to UN. Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said they would see all countries to bring up Afrin issue to UN Security Council as “The country supporting terror’ not an ally.   15-point instruction to mainstream media!   AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan openly threatened all segments, particularly the HDP for reacting to the operation in Afrin. An arrest warrant has been issued against 18 people, who shared posts on their social media account on Afrin. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım meanwhile gave a 15-point instruction saying what the mainstream media should write about the operation in Afrin.