7 people from same family killed in Cilbir village 2018-01-21 20:18:19   AFRÎN - 11 people, including six children and a woman from same family, have been killed in Turkish airstrikes on Cilbir villages of Afrin’s Sherawa district.   As airstrikes of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the attacks of Free Syrain Army (FSA) by land on Afrin and its villages are going on, the YPG and YPJ forces respond the attacks. The reports from the region say many civilians have been killed in Cilbir villages of Afrin’s Sherawa district due to Turkish airstrikes.   According to received reports, 11 people, including six children and a woman from same family, have been killed in Turkish airstrikes.   Names of people from same family are as follows; Rehef Hesen(33),her one-year-old baby Waêl Hesen, Hedîl El Husên (10), Xaliye El Husên (8), Selme El Husên (6), Mesab El Husên (6), Ehmed El Husên (17).