Statement from Afrîn Autonomous Administration 2018-01-21 16:55:36   AFRÎN - Afrîn Canton Democratic Autonomous Administration that has declared mobilization against Turkey's attacks has released a press statement and says “Afrîn will never surrender.”   Afrîn Canton Democratic Autonomous Administration has released a press statement in front of the Autonomous Administration Center on attacks launched by Turkey on Afrîn. Members of the Autonomous Administration, commune, Kongreya Star and the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) attended the press statement.   The statement says, “The achievements of the YPG/YPJ and SDF in Rojava- Northern Syria aren’t wanted by Turkish state. For this reason, Turkish state has bombed Afrin by using warplanes. AKP-MHP alliance conducts hostile politics against the existence of Kurdish people. As Afrîn Canton Democratic Autonomous Administration, we will keep out resistance against the barbarism. We will support our military forces.   ‘Intervention Afrîn is violating human values’   We call on all Kurdish people, international human rights organizations to support the resistance of people of Afrin. Intervention in Afrîn is the intervention in Syrian lands and it is violating human values.   ‘Afrîn will never surrender’   Silence against the attacks is being a party of these attacks. Russia withdrew their forces in Afrin and this happened due to the deal between Russia, Turkey and Baath regime. We declare mobilization on this basis and we call on the youth to join the resistance ranks. Everyone should know very well that Afrîn will never surrender.”