KJK: This war will be Tayyip Erdoğan’s Vietnam 2018-01-21 12:48:23   NEWS CENTER - “The struggle of the Kurdish people and their friends will break this genocidal tongs like they did in Kobanê and they will succeed” KJK Coordination said, “This war will be Tayyip Erdoğan’s Vietnam.”   Kurdistan Communities of Women (KJK) has issued a written statement on Turkey’s invasion attempt on Afrin. The statement says “Let’s resist together for Afrin, Rojava, peoples of Turkey, peoples of Syria and Middle East” and it emphasizes the hostility against Kurdish people continues along with genocidal attacks.   ‘This war has launched against not only Afrin but also peoples of Turkey’   The statement says, “AKP and Turkish state that cannot tolerate the will and organizations of the Kurdish people overstep the limit by launching attack on Afrin and Rojava. This attack called “Olive Branch” is a war openly declared against the Kurdish people. Calling it as ‘Olive Branch’, expressing this dirty war with the symbol of peace is a purely psychological war. This war has been launched against the Kurds and peoples of Turkey. It is a war launched for the interests of Erdoğan and the crowds around him.   ‘Our people, women and our friends will say no to this invasion’   The war in Afrin will not like to any wars. The resistance of people of Afrin, the resistance of effective and experienced YPG/YPJ and Revolutionary Forces will end the AKP-MHP alliance. And Afrin will not be alone in its resistance. All Kurdish people living in Kobanê, Amed, Sulaymaniyah, Urmiye, Russia, Germany, France, the Netherlands and other countries will stand by people of Afrin. All our revolutionary, socialist, democratic, anti-fascist, sensitive and conscientious friends, our people, our women will stand against this invasion.   Call for resistance   This war is occupying, it is inhuman, and it is a dirty war launched against Kurdish people, peoples of Syria, Turkey and Middle East. It is a war against Rojava Revolution developed as a free life model in the Middle East. Russia has become a party to this war by allowing Turkish jets. USA shut its eyes to Turkey by pass the buck to Russia. As international powers continue to carry out their classical Kurdish politics, the struggle of the Kurdish people and their friends will break this genocidal tongs like they did in Kobanê and they will succeed.   We call on all Kurds, women, revolutionary and democratic friends, comrades to unite for struggle against AKP-MHP alliance. Let’s resist together for Afrin, Rojava, peoples of Turkey, peoples of Syria and Middle East.”