‘We call on public opinion to speak out for Afrin’ 2018-01-21 11:32:20   NEWS CENTER - “We call on public opinion and all anti-war people to protest this attack, to speak out,” said HDP Istanbul MP Filiz Kerestecioğlu, who reacts to invasion attacks launched by AKP-MHP and Free Syrian Army on Afrin.   Anger and reaction to invasion attacks of AKP-MHP and gangs of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Afrin are increasing. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul MP Filiz Kerestecioğlu said the attacks on Afrin were just for the survival of the Palace and she added, “An attack regardless of any law even the law of war is in question. We don’t accept this.”   ‘The possibility of peace in region is being putting away’   Saying that the name of invasion operation is “Olive Branch” that symbolizes peace but the AKP has removed the meaning of peace as well as everything else, Filiz continued to talk as follows; “Launching an operation on a region fighting Daesh, taking them away, being safest place for people seeking shelter and called this operation as “Olive Branch” is an attempt to put the possibility of peace in region away.”   ‘AKP is in indignation’   “AKP is now in indignation and panic” Filiz said, “Turkey is rotting in every aspect. Child abuses, poverty, racism and marginalization are going on. If the government thinks it will go like this, it's wrong. The war actually brings the end of dictatorship.”   ‘Protest’   Filiz continued to talk as follows; “Women and children will be the most affected. The people will be sent there as soldiers are the children of poor people. Their losses won’t be the losses of ruling power and its followers. We call on public opinion and all anti-war people to protest this attack, to speak out.”   ‘Nothing can justify the attack on Afrin’   Feminist writer Ayşe Düzkan said, “The reasons shown by the government cannot justify the attack on Afrin city of Syrian. The people living in Turkey don’t get harmed from the situation in Afrin.”