Bombardment in Afrin, 6 people killed 2018-01-21 09:48:43   NEWS CENTER - After first bombardment of the Turkish Army, it has begun to bomb Afrin again.   Turkish army has begun to bomb Afrin for the second time within the scope of Turkey’s airstrikes. Hawar News Agency (ANHA) has announced the bombardment on Afrin has been started again.   ANHA reports Turkish jets have begun to bomb Afrin’s Raco and Cindires regions.   Furthermore, explosion sounds have been reported from Kilis and the clashes reportedly continue on the Azez line.   According to statement released by the YPG, six civilians and three fighters were killed and 13 people were wounded as a result of the attack.   Kurdish people and their friends took to the streets in Kobanê, Kamıshlo, Sulaymaniyah and many cities of Europe to protest Turkey’s attack on Afrin.