From Arab women to Tayyip Erdogan: We will resist the invasion 2018-01-20 15:15:47   Lilav Eli-Feride Zade   EFRÎN - Arab women living in Efrîn, have reacted to AKP General President Tayyip Erdoğan by saying “What are you doing here? We will struggle against your invasion to the end with the courage and hope we have taken from Arab women and Kurdish women. "   The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), which is preparing to make an attempt to attack on Efrîn with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), continues to build military build-up on the border. The villages and immigrant tents in Efrîn have been bombarded with howitzers over air during a week.   The Robar Camp of Şêrewa where the civilians, rescued from the war in Syria, stay exposed to artillery shooting last night.   The Arab migrants in the camp released their reactions to the public against attacks through our agency.   Nede Hesen from the camp habitant expresseed her reaction as follows: “We are cursing these attacks. We came to live in Efrîn. However, Erdoğan is bothering us.  They want to create problem between Arab and Kurdish people but we won’t be deceived by these games because it is the Kurds who fought for the all Syrian people. We are alive thanks to Kurdish people. Erdogan and his government's dirty games and threats cannot mislead us. We will fight in the same position as our Kurdish fellows."   One of women Fatma Xelef said these:   "We have escaped from Erdoğan and came here, and if he attacks here, we will fight on the same front with the Kurdish people.”   Suat  Mıhemet talked as follows:   "Here I speak to Erdogan; what do you want from us, what are you doing in our lands? We are Arab women; We will fight against your invasion to the end with the courage and hope we receive from the Kurdish women.”   Şeyme Eli said that they feel safe in Efrîn   12-year-old Semile Ebdulrehman and 10-year-old Mihemed Ebdulrehman responded to the attacks, saying: “We are children and we want to live our childhood.  Erdoğan steals our childhood. We want to enjoy our childhood here with our Kurdish fellows. We love our Kurdish fellows and we play games with them but our games are always left half finished by the sound of mortar and howitzer.”