2 civilians wounded in the attacks on Afrin 2018-01-20 12:37:47   NEWS CENTER - Two civilians have been reportedly wounded in the attacks of Turkey on Afrin and its surroundings launched yesterday. Scout planes are reportedly patrolling the area.   The attacks launched by Turkey on Afrin last night continue. The Turkish army and their Euphrates Shield gangs organized in Azaz attacked the Shera district in the morning and two civilians have been wounded in this attack.   Attack on historic Nebi Huri Hill   According to reports received by ANF (Fırat News Agency) from local sources in Afrin, two civilians have been wounded in attacks on Beluniye, Vila Qadi, Malikiye and Meranas villages in Efrin’s Shera district. ANF also reports that the Turkish army also continues its attacks on the Bilbile district to the east of Afrin. As attacks on the Ciyaye Gur area in the Bilbile district continue with A4 type weapons from the Turkish outposts on the border, the historic Nebi Huri Hill has also been targeted with mortars. Nebi Huri Hill has been hit by a large number of shells.   Turkish surveillance planes reportedly patrol over Afrin and the Shehba region.