‘Those who enter Afrin with romanticism of ‘one night suddenly’ may not go out again’ 2018-01-20 10:49:01   Habibe Eren   ANKARA - The Socialist Refoundation Party (SYKP) Co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları commented on the invasion operation towards Afrin of the AKP-MHP alliance and she said, “The entrance of Turkey into Afrin with romanticism of ‘one night suddenly’ means they will never go out again,” while the Party of Labour (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan said, “Those who support this operation will be under this account.”   As the threat of attacks on the Northern Syrian Federation's Afrin Canton by segments led by the alliance of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and military preparation are going on, the National Security Council (MGK) has confirmed the military attack on Afrin. Shortly after, the people of Afrin responded the threat of attack and hundreds of thousands people in Afrin and the cities of Northern Syria took to the streets to protest these attacks. The Socialist Refoundation Party (SYKP) Co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları and the Party of Labour (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan commented on the possibility of an attack on Afrin and they warned that the consequences would be devastating if an operation was launched.   ‘Turkey does not want to be neighbors with Rojava’   Saying that the Kurds have been fighting for freedom in Rojava region since the civil war began in Syria, Tülay emphasized that the Kurds have carried out a serious struggle against Daesh. Expressing that all people living in Northern Syria particularly Arab people have got into a partnership, Tülay said, “Declaration of autonomy in Rojava is being talked now. The Kurdish people naturally expect they will be recognized as a federative structure of Rojava in the new Constitution to be formed in Syria. This is what should be. Turkey's main discomfort arises from this. It doesn’t accept the Kurdish people to become a structure known and recognized by all around world.” Tülay underlined that Turkey doesn’t want to be neighbors with Rojava, it is also about the historical process in Turkey, she said.   Tülay said that the consequences of a possible attack on Afrin would be heavy. Tülay recalled what had happened in Kobanê and she continued to talk as follows; “ISIS used all methods on the Kurdish people in Kobanê and a long process with serious losses took place; but at the end, the Kurdish people and their allies had a great success in Kobanê. The Kurdish people have carried out a serious struggle in war particularly in Syria until now. They have also gained a serious war and diplomatic experiences. And they will use these experiences in Afrin. The entrance of Turkey into Afrin with romanticism of ‘one night suddenly’ means they will never go out again.”   ‘The Kurds sooner or later will establish their democratic autonomous governments’   Emphasized that the deep powers want to create war atmosphere as a solution becomes closer particularly in Syria, Tülay said “The reason is to block the solution and to continue the war. The Kurds sooner or later will establish their democratic autonomous governments. There is no other option. The powers in the region will have to accept this.”   ‘The consequences would be devastating’   Party of Labour (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan warned that the consequences would be devastating if an operation was launched. Selma emphasized that Tayyip Erdoğan doesn’t refrain from taking Turkey’s future into a tragedy to increase the strength of his ruling; “All Turkey will suffer from the results of an attack on Afrin. The parties supporting this operation will be under this account.”