PYD Women's Bureau demands freedom for Abdullah Öcalan 2018-01-16 13:50:52   QAMISHLO - The Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women’s Bureau in Çil Axa district condemns the isolation imposed on the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and demands the situation to be clarified.   Members of Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women’s Bureau in Çil Axa district issued a press statement in front of the building of the bureau’s headquarters within the scope of actions held against the isolation imposed on the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   The statement was read by Şerîfa Hesen, member of the bureau. The statement says; “We condemn the isolation imposed upon the Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. This isolation has surpassed all international and human rights criteria, it is an unacceptable practice. As free women of the PYD, we say that we live with Öcalan's ideas and we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the freedom of the Leader. Lastly, we demand the international human rights organizations to act on this issue.”