Foza Yusuf: Not only Afrin, but all peoples will stand against the invasion 2018-01-16 12:10:21   NEWS CENTER - Northern Syrian Federation Executive Council Co-chair Foza Yusuf commented on the plan of attack by Turkish state and the AKP on Afrin and she pointed out that Afrin has prepared itself for the war for years, “Particularly Afrin area has been prepared for a probability of attack of Turkey and other powers. If a war breaks out, not only Afrin, but also all the peoples will stand against this invasion.”   Northern Syrian Federation Executive Council Co-chair Foza Yusuf told of Turkey's Syria policy and plan attacks on Afrin to our news agency. Foza first told of Turkey's Syria policy and she said, “Turkey's policy on Syria is not about the solution or stability; it is about how they can benefit from this process and how they can get their share. Turkey has the same purpose of the countries, which extended their borders and captured some areas during the first and second world wars. Turkey tried many methods and tactics in this regard, but all of these methods and tactics didn’t get result what Turkey wants.”   ‘They want to prevent us from working with the alliances’   Noting that the attacks are against the project of a Democratic Syrian, Foza continued to talk as follows; “The project we have developed for a democratic Syria has been considered as a threat by Turkey and AKP. The AKP has sought to find different alliance to prevent the Project of a Democratic Syria from putting it into practice. The most obvious was the attack and capture of Cerablus-Azaz-Bab. The aim is not to unite Kobanê and Afrin... Turkey captured Cerablus-Azaz-Bab and thought it achieved a great success. Turkey handed Aleppo over Russia and it captured Cerablus and Bab in return. Another deal was made to liberate Deir ez-Zor by Russia and Syria.”   ‘All Turkey’s attack plans were frustrated’   Stating that all invasion attempts of Turkey using gangs were frustrated, Foza said, “All attack plans of Turkey were frustrated. At the end, Turkish army had to become a part of this war; Turkish army had to enter İdlib. At first, Turkey thought they would capture all Syria and they said ‘We will perform prayer in Emevi’. Furthermore, Turkey wanted to be effective in Aleppo and Humus areas but it failed.  They try every way and method to prevent the Kurds from forming their political organization. Basically its Syria's strategy failed.”   ‘All peoples will stand against this invasion’   Saying that Turkey is in the preparation to attack Afrin, Foza pointed out that Afrin has been at wars for years. Recalling the attacks of gangs on Afrin in 2012, Foza said, “Afrin always organizes itself for war. The preparations of people, training of military forces and incresing of forces continues in Afrin. Afrin area has been prepared for a probability of attack of Turkey and other powers. If a war breaks out, not only Afrin, but also all the peoples will stand against this invasion. We know there are many threats.”   ‘Our project is the most realistic project’   Foza also said, “Our project is the most realistic project and everyone sees this. The AKP tries to prevent this and it has mobilized its power on this basis. They want the Kurds to not have any right. We haven’t caused any harm to Turkey, Iraq or any country. Because we carry out our struggle in Syria. Turkey will be completely defeated if it enters into such a war and keeps carrying out this strategy. If Turkey wants to play a role in the Middle East, it must democratize Turkey and solve its own Kurdish question. Turkey cannot gain strength unless it restarts the peace process.”