Sibel Yiğitalp: The aim is to keep the monism alive 2018-01-14 09:00:21   DİYARBAKIR - HDP Diyarbakır MP Sibel Yiğitalp commented on revocation of HDP Ağrı MP Leyla Zana’s parliamentary membership and she pointed out that the ruling power is aiming to keep the monist mindset alive.   The parliamentary membership of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Ağrı MP Leyla Zana has been revoked on the grounds that Zana did not attend sessions of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Following this decision, the number of seats of the HDP, which had 59 seats in the beginning, has been decreased to 53. Before the revocation of Leyla Zana’s parliamentary membership, the parliamentary membership of five female MPs was revoked. HDP Diyarbakır MP Sibel Yiğitalp commented on this issue and she said the ruling power saw the women leading in the society as a threat and for this reason, the women are targeted.   ‘If women are surrendered, the society will be surrendered’   Noting that the attacks on women are not new, Sibel said that the attacks are first against women in all areas; “Women’s conscious and will is a conscious building the society. If women are surrendered, the society will be surrendered. Of course, if the women are leading the society, the attack is also intense.”   ‘It is a masculine mindset’   Indicating that the women struggling for right, freedom and democracy raise the awareness of public, Sibel said that the ruling power is trying to take the women’s leading mission away in all areas. Recalling that many MPs have been jailed, Sibel added that women co-mayors were first targeted in local governments; “Because a policy ignoring women were implemented. You can see the masculine mindset and sectarianism if you look at the AKP. We can talk about a mindset seeing women as a threat and enemy against it.”   Pointing out the revocation of MP Leyla Zana’s parliamentary membership, Sibel said, “She was sentenced to 15 years in prison for saying ‘I swear on the Turkish and Kurdish fraternity’. She stayed in prison for nine and a half years. Her oath-swearing was rejected two years ago for saying ‘the peoples of Turkey’ and her parliamentary membership has been revoked. This masculine and monist perspective decides to revoke her parliamentary membership. The ruling power is aiming to keep the monist mindset alive. It must be remembered that the truth is stubborn. The struggle for right and law will overcome in any case.”