Where is dead body of Ayşe? 2018-01-13 15:03:40   ŞIRNAK - The dead body of member of Free Women's Unions (YJA-STAR) Ayşe Baykal, who killed in attack, in which six soldiers were killed on Sinek Tepe Police Station in Şırnak’s Uludere district, couldn’t founded yet despite all appeal of her family.   It is announced that members of Free Women's Unions (YJA-STAR) Ayşe Baykal (Zozan Cudi), Yasemin Ballı (Dicle Fırat) and six soliders killed in the attack organized by Free Women's Unions (YJA-STAR) members in Sinek Tepesi (Girê Sînek) Police Station in Uludere district of Şırnak.   According to the news in Mesopotamia New  Agency; The family of Ayşe Baykal from YJA-STAR made application to the relevant official institutions in Şırnak’s Uludere district to take the daughters' dead body through her lawyer Tamer Doğan after the statement of People's Defense Forces (HPG). However, all the applications made by family remained inconclusive.   The prosecutor office said that there is ‘no entry’   The statments in the writing response to Uludere Public Prosecutor's Office, where they made application with petition are as follows: “We couldn’t find any entry after the entry check for Ayşe Baykal, who is claimed that she was killed with six soldiers in Sinek Tepesi (Girê Sinek) Police Station in Şırnak’s Uludere district on January 1 and also no action has been taken for it on our National Judicial Network Information System (UYAP) records.”   No result were obtained from the applications   Stating that they made application to Public Prosecutor of Şırnak, to Public Prosecutor of Uludere, and Malatya Institution of Forensic Medicine to take the dead body of Baykal after the statement made by People's Defense Forces (HPG), Tamer said that they couldn’t get any result.   ‘Everybody made agreement on all hands’   Tamer said about the meetings that they made with official authorities in Uludere as follows: “Those, who we met, made agreement on all hands because everybody including district governor and the prosecutor says that there is no such police station. There is a clear instruction on the hiding of six soldiers' deaths. "   Are dead bodies of Ayşe and Yasemin hidden?    Stating that they meet people from Uludere and they said it is true that there is Sinek Tepesi Police Station in Uludere, Tamer  said, “The villagers said that they could take their relatives’ dead bodies before the declaration of emergency decree. However, they don’t allow us to go there. We demanded permission to take the dead body but they said us ‘you can be killed there and nobody knows who killed you’.   ‘They want to cover up this event’   Tamer said that they want to cover up this event and he added, “Our only demand is to take dead body of Ayşe and to bury her. For this reason, we won’t stop following this event. At a time when law has been suspend and the impunity has been discussed, we even afraid of that my client is caught alive. We wonder, did they caught her woundedly ? or are they trying to kill her? Are they torturing to her? They made us people, who afraid of even their doubts.”   They will made a application to Human Rights Association and Forensic Medicine Institute   Tamer stated that they demanded from People’s Democratic Party (HDP) to convey the matter to the Assembly and they will made a application to Human Rights Association and Forensic Medicine Institute in İstanbul where Ayşe’s family live.