Aycan İrmez: Let’s grow solidarity with people of Şırnak 2018-01-13 09:14:24   ŞIRNAK - HDP Şırnak MP Aycan İrmez said thousands of families whose houses were demolished during the “curfew” imposed in Şırnak in 2015 and 2016, were mistreated due to the demolition and she called on the Kurdish people and all sensitive people to be in solidarity with the people of Şırnak.   Thousands of houses in Şırnak city center were demolished by heavy weapons during the curfew imposed in the city between 2015 and 2016. People of Şırnak, who didn’t leave their lands despite the demolition, haven’t had a house to live in even though two years have passed. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak MP Aycan İrmez said the demolition was going on in the city despite the statement saying the curfew had been lifted in the city by the Interior Ministry; “Houses of seven out of 10 families in the Şırnak province center were demolished, destroyed due to the curfew. About 65% of the houses have been demolished in Şırnak. Some families weren’t able to take their belongings, even a tea spoon, out of their houses due to the ongoing demolition. Their workplaces were destroyed. The people and shopkeepers have been mistreated.”   They live in workplaces and basements   Saying that the people weren’t allowed to take their belongings out of their houses during the demolition process, Aycan indicated that the state forces hadn’t allowed a single family member to go to their houses. Stating that the people of Şırnak haven’t immigrated despite the unjust treatment, Aycan said that the living conditions of the people, who didn’t immigrate, have become more difficult; “Some families live in workplaces and others live in basements and they try to keep living in this way. Because the people have no alternative and no other option. The people try to not collapse despite all pressures and attacks.”   The winter is hard   Stating that the people have difficulty to meet their needs, Aycan said, “Some families have not been able to buy a kilo of meat for their children, even they cannot find a blanket in their house. The winter in Şırnak is very hard and tough. They need solidarity due to the hard weather.”   Call on the people living abroad   Aycan called for solidarity with the people of Şırnak and she said, “I want to call on our people and sensitive people living abroad. I ask them to be in solidarity with the people of Şınak, who pay high price and have been tried to be displaced. I ask them to be in solidarity with the people of Şırnak by being sibling family. Any state and aggression policy will be useless against the Kurdish unity.”