Nuriye Gülmen: if they wanted to do, they would reinstate us 2018-01-12 13:59:12   NEWS CENTER - Nuriye Gülmen, who is on hunger strike to be reinstated her job for 310 days, talked about the reinstatements in the last declared statutory decree and said, “If they wanted to do, they would reinstate us but they didn’t want to do that. This is an arbitrary process.”   Academician Nuriye Gülmen, who was dismissed from her duty by statutory decree and who is on hunger strike to get her job back for 310 days , talked about the last declared statutory decree no.697. According to the news on Bianet news website, Nuriye made this comment on the last declared statutory decree: “If they wanted to do, they would reinstate us with this statutory decree that declared today. However, they didn’t do that. This is an arbitrary process.”   2017 people was reinstated to their job by the statutory decree no.697. It is stated that 1823 people from 2017 people who was dismissed from their job on the grounds that they were using ByLock, but then it is understood that these people downloaded Bylock with another application called “Mor  Beyin” unknowingly.   On the other hand,  the appeal made for reinstating academician Nuriye and Semih Özakça to emergency decree commission hasn’t been obtained result.