Women turn their homes into workshops 2018-01-09 11:09:25   Hikmet Tunç/Zeynep Turgut   VAN - Women living in Süphan Neighborhood have turned their homes almost into workshops by producing collectively. “Women in homes shouldn’t feel desperate. The biggest remedy is women themselves. They just need to get together,” say the women organizing both common life and solidarity.   Women living in Süphan Neighborhood of Van’s Edremit district make the handmade knitting with a collective production. Women come together almost every day at certain hours of the day and they knit colorful products such as baby dolls, scarfs and bootees in solidarity.   Sevinç Erol knits baby dolls and she explains how she knits them; “First we choose a knitting needle according to the rope we will use and then we knit the clothes for the doll. One of our friends puts cotton into the doll and sews it. I have come together with my neighbors and we have made these products for years. We have our own customers and we sell these products at an affordable price. We meet our children’s school needs in this way.”   ‘They just need to believe in themselves’   Stating that every woman should create her own economy in order to avoid living a life dependent on men, Sevinç added, “Because men exercise control over women with their income. They believe that women have to obey them.”   Sevinç also stated that every woman can convert the materials at their home into different products, “They just need to believe in themselves.”   ‘We try to feel better’   Saniye Erol said, “I had an operation. I cannot sit down now. I use a walking stick. I have to cross my legs when I sit down. Of course we get tired but we try to feel better. The price of plastic and rope is increased. But we are happy to be here and to have talks with each other. We try to have a good time together.”