‘One-type uniform’ warning to government: Give it up immediately 2017-12-29 15:36:40   Filiz Zeyrek    ADANA-(Labour Party) EMEP Adana Provincial Lawyer Sevil Aracı, reacted to “one type uniform” practice put into effect by the emergency decree No. 696 by AKP government, warning that there will be so many serious problems in prisons and said, “cancel it immediately”.   The reactions against the “one-type uniform” practice imposed  by the emergency decree No. 696 by AKP government continues. (Labour Party) EMEP Adana Provincial Lawyer Sevil Aracı said that “one-type uniform” imposition is a decision that aims for receiving prisoners’ will. Stating that the decision is incongruous with human rights, Sevil said, “If this decision put into practice, there will be many serious problems in prisons”.    ‘It is an attack on individual’s rights'    Statin that the “one-type uniform” is on the agenda for months, Sevil said, “To administer the country by emergency decrees is a practice that we stand against it from the beginning and it is terrible that the legalization of a vital issue by emergency decrees. We think that this practice for political prisoners will cause much bigger problems. This is a practice that both incongruous with human rights and is and attack on individual’s rights.” Saying that this practice also violates presumption of innocence, Sevil stated, “All political prisoners will refuse to practice with the same idea".    'Right of defence is being usurped'   Stating that imposition of “one-type uniform” will restrict the right of defence as well, Sevil said, “The right of defence of political prisoners are completely taken with this practice. This means that everyone, who has ongoing proceedings is marked as a criminal. To say prisoners that ‘you will wear this uniform’ means that you are criminal and also means to insult, offending”.    ‘There will be serious problems’   Reminding the resistance processes  against “one-type uniform”  imposed on the prisoners for 37 years in prisons, Sevil continued as  follows: “The prisoners will never accept this practice as in the past. In case of imposition, very serious problems will come out. Evaluating the “It will be more different for women” statement, which points to the women prisoners for one type unifor imposition, of the AKP General President Tayyip Erdoğan, Sevil said that the government should give this imposition up immediately.