The application of identity card in Elazığ Prison is 'legal'! 2017-12-27 17:04:41   ANKARA - The court took “The legal compliance” decision for the identity cards that prevent the prisoners from using all their rights in Elazığ T Type Prison.   Elazığ T Type Prison continues to usurp the prisoner’s rights because the prisoners do not wear their ID cards. While the prisoners continue the reversible hunger strike for 57 days against the card application reading "terrorist arrestee or condemned" on their clothes, the struggle is being carried out legally.   According to the Mesopotamian Agency, prisoner Mahmut Soner, appealed to Elazığ Offices of Judge of Execution for the cancellation of the application. The Public Prosecutor's Office informed the Judge of Execution, which asked for opinions on the issue to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, about the application that is "compatible for laws and regulation".    Offices of Judge of Execution defended the application by saying it is compatible for laws and regulation on the ground of 8th and 9th articles about Law on the Execution of Punishment and Security Measures of the Law No. 5275     The file went to Elazığ 2nd Heavy Penal Court due to the appeal. However, the court claimed that the application is “compatible for law and practice” and decided to refusal of objection and the court showed reasons as “preventing the escape, avoiding confusion" on the grounds of the decision.