‘One type uniform is a new isolation practice’ 2017-12-25 10:31:28   DİYARBAKIR - HDP Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca reacts to ‘One type uniform’ in prison put into effect by the AKP government issuing a new emergency decree and she says “one type uniform” is reflecting the state’s mindset, “We should be the voice of the prisoners,” says Feleknas. DBP vice Co-chair Gülcihan Şimşek says the “one type uniform” is a new isolation practice.   Despite the warnings of human rights defenders and prisoners the “one type uniform” in prisons has become legalized. “One type uniform is a lifestyle in Guantanamo,” said AKP President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to support the new practice but the reactions against the practice is increasing. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca commented on the practice and she said one type uniform was reflecting the state’s mindset. Stating that the state has tried to create a society that they want, Feleknas said “You will be with them and support their thoughts or they will see you against them. They have tried to discipline those who against them by arresting and dismissing them.”   ‘Turkey is a semi-open prison’   Stating that the prisons in Turkey have been turned into a place for torture, Feleknas said, “Turkey has already turned into a semi-open prison. They want to take a large step at this point with one type uniform (practice). This is a big danger. The ongoing torture in prisons will be worse. We should be the voice of all prisoners.”   ‘A new isolation practice’   Democratic Regions Party (DBP) vice Co-chair Gülcihan Şimşek emphasized that the one type uniform is a new isolation practice and she stated that the prisons have been turned into concentration camps. Pointing out that those think differently in the society opposition groups are arrested and put in prisons, Gülcihan emphasized that the thoughts are being tried to be one type along with one type uniform.   “This is an intervention that hurts dignity of human being. This is an intervention that isolates the human being. For this reason, we should fight against the mindset trying to make the society one type. We should to see that very serious reactions may be arose by the prisoners. We know that because the same process was experienced during the period September 12 (The 12 September 1980 Turkish coup d'état). The lives of prisoners are under threat. No one with a conscience should accept one type uniform. The AKP is responsible for what will happen in prisons. We shouldn’t accept this imposition, fighting against this is the duty of us who are outside.”