Teacher Ayşe, her baby to be sent to prison 2017-12-23 12:41:29   ISTANBUL - Ayşe Çelik, who sentenced one year and three months in prison for saying "Children shouldn’t die" during a TV show called Beyaz Show, will be sent to prison with her two-month-old baby.   Ayşe Çelik called Beyaz Show, a broadcast on a private television channel, from Diyarbakır and she said “children shouldn’t die”. Afterward, Ayşe tried on charges of “propagandizing for a (terrorist) organization” and she was sentenced to one year and three months in prison for her words. Her jail sentence has been approved. Teacher Ayşe, who became a mother two months ago, will be sent to prison along with her baby within 10 days.   What had happened?   on January 8, 2016, Ayşe Çelik called the Beyaz Show of Beyazıt Öztürk due to the ongoing curfews and clashes in Nusaybin and Derik disricts of Mardin, in Cizre and Silopi district of Şırnak, and in Silvan and Sur districts of Diyarbakır and she said: “Do you aware of what is happening in Turkey's southeastern? Unborn children, mothers, people are being killed here. As an artist, as a person, you should not be silent on going on these events happen in southeastern of Turkey and you must say 'Stop' in some way. What is happening here is different on screens and in the media. Do not be silent...Look, hear and help us. Shame; People, children shouldn’t die, mothers shouldn’t cry.”   Beyazıt thanked Ayşe Çelik when the audience applauded loudly and he asked the audience to applaud her again.   In his testimony to the court, Beyazıt apologized by saying "I did not realize what I was doing".   38 intellectuals, artists, journalists and writers, who “notified themselves” to the police, gathered in Ankara, Istanbul and İzmir to support Ayşe Çelik, were acquitted of all charges against them by Bakırköy 2nd Heavy Penal Court.