TJA calls for ‘standing against attack on cemetery’ 2017-12-23 11:52:15   DİYARBAKIR - Free Women’s Movement (TJA) has made a written statement on the cemetery that was destroyed and the corpses in the cemetery were taken to Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institution. “We condemn these practices and we call on the people to stand against this attack.”   Free Women’s Movement (TJA) has made a written statement on Garzan Cemetery, located in Yukarı Ölek village of Bitlis province, that was destroyed and 267 corpses in the cemetery were taken to Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institution. The statement says, “The AKP will pass into history as a party state that carries the practices destroying the standard of morality and judgment beyond the borders of fascism into effect. This state regime based on a party is trying to take the society captive with fascism.”   The statement continues as follows: “For a long time, all kinds of torture have been practiced on dead bodies of guerrillas in Kurdistan. In all religions and cultures, graves are sacred and untouchable. However, the AKP has attacked all sacred and values things with a blind fascism. They don’t allow the dead bodies to be washed and buried and they also destroy the graves by attacking the cemeteries.   Perhaps for the first time in the history of the world, the AKP has gained the feature of being a state that destroys a cemetery and takes the buried bodies from there. As the press reports, Garzan Cemetery in Bitlis became the target of the attack and all buried corpses were taken from the graves without getting permission from the families. We condemn these practices and we call on the people to stand against this attack.”