‘Everything is unconfined except for politics!’ 2017-12-20 15:43:50     ŞIRNAK - The houses damaged during the self governance resistance in Cizre, where the conflicts lasted for days, have become dwelling place of drug addicts.   Young people were being pushed into addiction by the corruption policies and police said young people “everything is unconfined for them except for politics”. The war policy in Kurdistan's cities and districts, which deepened itself with the resistance of the self-government, left its place to corruption policy. Actual "ban" practices continues in Cizre, where is the "curfew" is lifted about two years later. Political actions in the district are arbitrarily declared "banned", while drug use is condoned.   The social structure is wanted to be destroyed!   Increasing drug use in the Sur neighborhood, where hundreds of people have to migrate after the conflicts, is making people nervous. There are dozens of derelict houses in the conflicts that have been razed with bombs but have not been taken demolition permit. A citizen who spoke about these houses, often used by young people who have been pushed into the drug addiction, and did not want to give her name, paid attention to the increase in drug use. Stating that they didn’t take any measures  although they complained about this, the citizen said that after the curfews the social cultural structure in the district was wanted to be destroyed and she added that the number of places, which play and make people play gambling and betting games, increased.”   ‘Everything is unconfined except for politics’   Expressing that the empty houses are occupied by drug addicts in her neighborhood, a neighborhood resident describes an event she witnessed as follows: “Although there are so many watchman and police in the neighborhood, these happennings are not intervened. They knowingly allow them to occupy this neighborhood. I was waiting for my husband in front of our door last night. Suddenly the police come in and asked, 'Why are you out there?' I said, 'I'm waiting for my partner.' Then I immediately pointed out the young people who were using marijuana and said 'intervene with them'. Police grine and said, 'they can do whatever they want except for politics'. Formerly, people were complaining, and they took these drug addicts were taken into custody and were left them a few days later. They don’t even do this now. "