Men kill 2 women in the first half of the day 2017-12-18 13:04:56   İZMİR/ ADANA – In the morning, two women were killed in İzmir and Adana provinces by men. A man named Günhan Ö. killed a woman named Zülal Tütüncü in Bornova district of İzmir and a man named İmail Arı killed Zibel Kılıçlı in Adana.    In the morning, a university student Günhan Ö. killed his friend Zülal Tütüncü in Bornova district of İzmir. Zülan has been taken to İzmir Forensic Medicine Institute for autopsy.    Günhan Ö. has been taken into custody by police.    A man named İsmail Arı killed a woman named Sibel Kılıçlı, who lived with her daughter, in Adana province in the morning. Sibel’s dead body has been taken to Adana Forensic Medicine Institute for autopsy.    İsmail Arı, who run away after the incident, was arrested and taken to police station.