Appointed trustee’s conception of history: Şamran Canal turned into garbage 2017-12-17 12:54:15   VAN-Historic Şamran Canal has been left wide open to diseases due to the insensitivity of the trustee appointed to Van Metropolitan Municipality.   Historical Şamran Canal, built by Urartu King Menua about 3,000 years ago in Van to meet Urartu state’s capital Tuşba’s water need from Gürpınar district, preserved its presence until today. The water source originated from Limestone rocks, which are the western extension of Bacet Mountain, and in near Yukarı Kaymaz village, is being transported to center of Van by the historical canal. The canal, which passes from Gürpınar, Edremit and Tuşba districts still meet land and drinking water need. The canal is 51 meters in length and it is described as engineering marvel. However, the canal has tussled with pollution in recent years.   Şamran Canal has been destroyed due to the construction works of crossover road, which was started to be built at the upper part of Kıyıcak village in Edremit district of Van and regions were filled with soil.    The canal is now turned into a pile of garbage. It has been left wide open to diseases due to the insensitivity of the trustee appointed to Van Metropolitan Municipality. The Van Metropolitan Municipality, Tuşba, İpekyolu and Edremit district municipalities’ insensitivity towards canal draws attention because they share news about their public service every day on their official pages.