‘We will follow struggle of our children’ 2017-12-15 16:02:20   DİYARBAKIR - The families in the memory of those, who lost their lives in Sur district of Diyarbakır, organized Islamic memorial service in Kaplan City Park in Diyarbakır. The families said that they would follow their children’s struggle.   The families of members, lost their lives in Sur, of Civil Defense Associations (YPS) and Women's Civil Defense Associations (YPS-JIN) organized Islamic memorial service in Kaplan City Park in Diyarbakır. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), HDP Urfa MP Dilek Öcalan, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) General President Mehmet Aslan, DBP General Co-chairs, DTK Co-chairs Leyla Güven and Bedran Öztürk, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) members of council, HDP Şırnak MP Leyla Birlik, HDP and DBP city and district executives, Amed Peace Mothers Assembly, members of Association of Assistance and Solidarity with Lost People in Mesopotamia (MEYA-DER),closed by statutory decree, and families attended to the Islamic memorial service.   People stand in one minute of silence for those, who lost their lives in Sur. The slogans of “Şehit namırın (Martyr doesn’t die)” shouted in the Islamic memorial service and cinevision, which was  prepared for the members of YPS and YPS-JIN, has been watched.   ‘We will struggle as women’   Memorializing those, who lost their lives in Sur, Former Meya-Der Co-chair Ayşe Dicle said in the Islamic memorial service, "We will continue to struggle to the end. They even agonize with our children’s graves. They should know that Kurdish people are not like former Kurdish people. They have status and leader. The key of peace is in İmralı. We, as women, will not stop until we liberate our leader.   ‘We will protect their struggles’   Makbule Özbey who speaks for Amed Peace Mothers Assembly started to talk memorializing killed Kurdish politicians Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, Seve Demir, Pakize Nayır and Fatma Uyar. Makbule said that they will follow their children’s struggle and will protect their struggles to the end.