Academicians and university students acquitted of trial 2017-12-13 13:51:53   ANKARA- The trial,opened on charges of “injury”, ended in acquittal for academicians and university students, who had been taken into custody for carrying out Kobanê action on October 9, 2014 after the police attack in Cebeci Campus of Ankara University.   Police and racist groups had attacked the protesters, carried action to condemn Daesh gangs’ occupation attacks towards Kobanê on October 9, 2014, in Cebeci Campus of Ankara University and then the academicians A. Celil Kaya, Aysun Gezen, İlkay Kara, Nail Dertli and Onurcan Taştan, had tried to prevent the attack, and other 23 people had been taken into custody.    A denunciation made on charges of “injury” against injured at the event with a stone in the head S.Y and against all detainee academicians and university students. After the opened investigation, the hearing of the case was heard in Ankara 7th Criminal Court of First Instance. The court ordered the acquittal of 23 people by taking into consideration that there is no concrete evidence about the event and “slight wounded” report given by Ankara Forensic Medicine Institute in the bill of indictment for S.Y, who was “seriously injured” at the event.   They have been dismissed from their duties   The academicians A. Celil Kaya, Aysun Gezen, İlkay Kara, Nail Dertli and Onurcan Taştan, who were detained while trying to prevent students from being detained during the attack, were also dismissed from their duties in accordance with the statutory decree (KHK) no. 672 dated September 1, 2016.