OHAL leaves sheep without food! 2017-12-13 11:40:41   Hikmet Tunç    VAN-The peasants, who live in in Sarmaç village, which has the broad pasture area surrounded by the mountains , were obliged to leave sheep without food because they could not stock enough grass due to the plateau bans in the Van’s İpekyolu district.   The economic crisis, which is increased by declaration of state of emergency (OHAL) due to the July 15 coup attempt and war insistence of the government, brought animal husbandry to the finish point. The peasants, who live in the Sarmaç (Kopanis) village, which has the broad posture area surrounded by the mountains in Van’s İpekyolu district, obliged to leave their sheep without food because they could not stock enough grass due to the plateau bans.   The peasants were obliged to sell their sheep due to the economic crisis after the declaration state of emergency (OHAL).The peasants decreased their number of sheep by half and try to feed their sheep with the flavescent grasses that are under the snow melted by sun and remained from the spring on the foothills of the Erek Mountain.   They could not look after 30-40 survivor sheep   In the village, where only livelihood is animal husbandry, the peasants couldn’t stock grass due to the plateau bans and sold their sheep of they couldn’t even meet their 30-40 sheep’s food needs because prices of chaff and grass were redoubled compared to the last years.   Lambs will die before they are born   The peasants, who complain about the economic crisis and want state of emergency (OHAL) to be lifted, emphasized that the sheep, which will born one month later, should be fed in warmth conditions. Otherwise, the lambs, which couldn’t feed in the womb, will die before they are born.