Neighborhood punctured under pretext of tunnel 2017-12-06 15:09:27   MARDİN - In Mardin’s Nusaybin district, Zeynel Abidin neighborhood, which has been demolished completely after the clashes, this time, is punctured under the pretext of finding tunnel.   Stating that their neighborhood has been demolished again, people of Zeynel Abidin neighborhood said that these tunnels have been used by the smugglers for many years. Zeynel Abidin boundary neighborhood, which demolished within the scope of ‘curfews’ declared after March 14, 2016 in Mardin’s Nusaybin district, this time is punctured under the pretext of finding tunnel. Although a year has passed after the clashes, news with the titles saying  “A tunnel found reaching from Nusaybin to Syria” are  announced. It is not known yet what the consequence of tunnel, which demolished by the ‘curfews’ declared after March 14, 2016 in Mardin’s Nusaybin districts, will be.   Zero service to neighborhood by the Municipilaty!   In Zeynel Abidin neighborhood, which is the one of six neighborhoods demolished by the actualized demolishment after the clashes, no work has been done yet despite passing of time. The neighborhood, which is known for being borderline to Syria, is being kept under the shadow of the demolition. It is said “either it will be military base or will be park” by the people. The families’ half of the houses have been demolished, and they are trying to repair and renovate with their own efforts. The trustee, who doesn’t transmit any service to people, is not informed about people and the trustee doesn’t know what’s going on in the neighborhood. Stating that water and electricity are constantly being cut off, the residents of the neighborhood say that they have forced them to migrate.   Tunnels belong to the smugglers   Nowadays, there are many news about the neighborhood with the title saying “A tunnel found reaching Syria” on the agenda. These tunnels, which is known as belonging to artisans, who bring smuggled goods, announce to the public as “tunnels belonged to PKK have been found, a major blow to terror”. It is known by everybody in the district that the tunnels found in last weeks are exist for years and belong to artisans, who bring smuggled goods.   Excavations have been made under the pretext of Tunnel!   Excavation work has been launched for so-called other tunnels after the statement of ‘Tunnel has been found’ in accompany with the police and armored vehicles. The excavations near the houses, which people still live in them, in border regions are continuing for one week. The area of excavations started under the pretext of ‘We are looking for tunnel’ is enlarged day by day. The neighborhood is demolished one more time by the excavations actualized after the demolition.