‘Patient prisoners get close to death day by day’ 2017-12-02 14:44:22   Habibe Eren   ANKARA - Ayşe Acar Başaran, HDP BATMAN MP and member of Law Commission, states that torture and right violations get worse day by day due to the state of emergency (OHAL) and said, “Many patient prisoners are waiting for death in prisons. There are hundreds of prisoners, who have no possibility to heal up and can’t keep up their life by oneself. How can forensic medicine institution (ATK) give report of ‘can stay in prison’ for these prisoners? The prisoners get close to death day by day.   Insulting applications, inhuman treatment and particularly torture are imposed upon the prisoners due to the declaration of state of emergency (OHAL) after the July 15 coup attempt. The prisoner’s lots of rights have been arbitrarily obstructed. They cannot benefit from any activity and they are subjected to exile under the name of referral. MP of HDP Law Commission and MP of Batman Ayşe Başaran have taken a stock of the right violations, which is increased in the prisons due to the state of emergency.   ‘The opening of new prisons shows that process will continue’   Ayşe, who says that the applications, put into practice in Turkey, are about the process, expressed that the applications imposed in prisons have been developed in parallel with the applications carried out outside. Emphasizing that the attitude towards prisons get worse day by day due to the state of emergency, Ayşe, said “This is a message that they will continue this process by detaining and arresting people due to the very simple reason, the rate of occupancy in prisons reaching the highest level in history, and still announcing of new prisons as a evangel by the government.   ‘There is prison embargo for HDP MPs’   Ayşe stated that the prisoner’s right of meeting with family and their lawyers has been restricted and the detention rate has substantially increased due to the applications of state of emergency. Expressing that Ministry of Justice hasn’t allowed the HDP MPs to go to the prisons by using the right of “appreciation”, Ayşe said, “There is prison embargo against us. We cannot meet in no way. We also don’t have a chance to check the conditions in prison. The prisons are completely under the control of government and became a domain of ‘discipline’ and ‘chastening’”.   ‘The prison administration don’t take the decisions as single-handed’   Stating that there are always exiles under the name of referral in prisons, Ayşe said, “For instance; if one prisoner wants to her referral to somewhere close to her family, she is sent to the furthest prison for her family. The government has a policy to make the conditions difficult. The prison administration doesn’t take these decisions alone. There are some applications to weaken the willpower of political prisoners. Besides this, there are many children, who stay with their mother. A prison can never be suitable for child. Normally, it is a last precaution that should be taken in International Law but this situation doesn’t become like this in Turkey.  The prisoners are being tortured by sending them with their children city by city or the prisoners were sending furthest prisons from their family or their children.”   ‘Many patient prisoners are waiting for death’   Stating that Tarsus and Elazığ Prisons, which are on the agenda with the right violations in recent times, have become a center of torture and maltreating, Ayşe pointed “In particular, imposition of ID card , headcount standing and giving oral report are all indicator of severeness of these applications. Emphasizing that this period is very oppressor in terms of history Turkey and these applications, which are being practiced in the prisons now, remind us Diyarbakır Prison in 80s, Ayşe talked as follows: “The patient prisoners’ issue, which is talked and taken to a particular point in the solution period, has reached very critical dimension nowadays.”   ‘Family meetings are also obstructed’   Stating that they give utterance that these applications practiced in the prisons cannot be accepted, “We are trying to all judicial ways to produce a solution; However, it is being brought to a position that has been waiting in time. In this last period, the prisoners’ right of meeting their family has been obstructed” said Ayşe.