Feleknas: The state could make the Kurds to take a step back 2017-12-02 10:13:43   Şehriban Aslan   DİYARBAKIR – Sur resistance echo is still spreading though two years have been passed. HDP Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca commented on the 103-day resistance in Sur and she emphasized that the state’s attacks couldn’t make the Kurdish people to take a step back.   103-day resistance started in the Sur district of Diyarbakır province two days ago is still being mentioned by the people of Diyarbakır. The people call the resistance as “Epic resistance lasted 103 days” and they highlight that they will never the youth fought despite demolition and loot. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca stated that the order for war and massacre was issued from ‘Ankara’.   ‘People of Amed witnessed the great war’   Recalled that a great resistance took place in Sur against the attacks of the state, Feleknas pointed out that the Kurdish youth fought against one of NATO's greatest armies. “Army, soldiers, special forces tried to enter Sur by using heavy weapons and a war took place for months. On one hand there was the resistance of the youth, on the other hand a massacre took place there. A child was killed while going to bakery to buy bread; the people were killed while feeding pigeons; mother Fatma was wounded on the way to join pray on Friday and she died,” said Feleknas.   ‘The concept of elimination was implemented’   Stating that the resistance took place not only in Sur but also in other places, Feleknas recalled that the people of Diyarbakır rose up to break the siege along with the youth resisted for 103 days. Pointing out that the people didn’t leave the streets despite water cannon, tear gas and fire opened from ranger type vehicles, Feleknas stated that tens of children and youth were killed during those actions. “DTK, DBP and HDP had meetings with the state, governor, district governor and other authorities during this period in order to stop the war and what was going on. We become mediators many times so that civilians and wounded could be taken from there; however, fire opened against us and we were attacked many times. We can say the concept of elimination was implemented in order to destroy Sur.   “The government officials told us in Amed ‘We cannot do anything here, we cannot interfere. This decision was taken in Ankara and this operation is being conducted from Ankara, we cannot do anything.’ This showed the size of the hostility towards Sur.”   ‘What are NATO’s weapons doing here?’   Feleknas pointed out that the tanks sold by NATO to Turkey in 1990 were sent to Sur. “What were these tanks doing in Amed, Şırnak, Silopi, Nusaybin, and why did they be there? How could they use the weapons and tanks written on NATO? Who will answer these questions?   Feleknas underlined that the dead body of Hakan Aslan, who lost his life in Sur, hasn’t been found yet, “The family knows where he was buried but the state doesn’t allow them to take him.”   ‘They couldn’t take their will’   “Dead bodies remained on the ground for 28 days, families launched a hunger strike,” Feleknas said that no power can wipe out the resistance took place.   Lastly Feleknas said, “The people didn’t take a step back. Were there ditches in Lalebey and Alipaşa neighborhoods? Why are they demolishing these neighborhoods? They will build TOKİ (the division for state housing) and all belongings of the people are being seized. The former Prime Minister Davutoğlu said they would rebuild Sur so that it's like Toledo. Those who carried out the massacres were jailed due to their links with FETÖ. The same policies were carried out not only in Sur but also in other cities of Kurdistan. They have never take the will of the Kurdish people.”