Police Attack on Yüksel Avenue: Acun Karadağ and 7 detained 2017-11-29 17:08:41     ANKARA - Police attacked the “We want our jobs back” action held for 386 days and detained Acun Karadağ and eight people by battering them.   The hunger strike launched by two educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça, who were dismissed by an emergency decree, has entered in its 266th day as the “We want our jobs back” action launched by two educators’ supporters in front of Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Avenue has entered in its 386th day. Police closed the street by using shields and detention vehicle and didn’t allow the protesters, who want to make statement in front of the Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Avenue. The protesters, who wanted to make statements in front of the police shields unfurled a banner reading, “The hunger strike on the 258th day, Nuriye and Semih should be reinstated” and shouted slogan “Nuriye and Semih our honour”.   The protesters were battered   When the banner was opened, the police, who made an announcement with the megaphone, played siren call so that the voices of the laborers could not be heard. Then the police, who have battered the protesters, closed their surroundings with the shields so that journalists wouldn’t take any pictures.   As the laborers laid on the floor by the police were continuing shouting slogans, the police detained Acun Karadağ, İlker Işık and 5 others. At that time, one person, who wanted to take video of action, was battered and detained by the police.