Seminar for November 25 led by RJAK in Germiyan 2017-11-25 13:37:32   NEWS CENTER - “Women have become conscious against male power and rebelled against the slavery with the free ideas of Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). The women chose the path of struggle for freedom,” said the Kurdistan Free Women's Organization (RJAK) during the seminar held in Kifrî town of Germiyan city on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25.   Kurdistan Free Women's Organization (RJAK) held a seminar in Kifrî town of Germiyan city with the motto “Violence against women is the root of all wars” within the scope of activities organized throughout South Kurdistan on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25. The Kurdistan Free Society Movement vice Co-chair Ronak Mecîd made a speech during the seminar held at Aydınlar Kahvehanesi (Intellectuals Tea House) and she said, “Violence is inflicted on women in economic, political, social and many other areas. All of these take its source from the male-dominant mindset. Women should become more conscious and have their legitimate defenses to defend themselves, society and humanity. Women should actively take part in every field and play a role in all political and social spheres.”   ‘Women’s participation in politics is blocked’   After the speech of Ronak, the message of the RJAK was read by Mihabad Fayîq. The message says, “Women have faced the anger of physical, psychological and sexual violence in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. We are witnessing that women are deprived of the slightest rights in all living spaces. The most distinct example of this is child marriage. We also face to femicide in the name of honor. The women’s participation in politics is blocked and they are denigrated in society.”   ‘Women are against male power with the free ideas of Leader Apo’   At the end of the seminar, Şinyar Reşîd made a speech on behalf of the Fighting Young Women's Organization (Rexistina Jinen Ciwanên Tekoşer) and she said, “Women are subjected to all kinds of violence around the world every day. The women have become conscious against male power and rebelled against the slavery with the free ideas of Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). The women chose the path of struggle for freedom.”