Women set up uninterrupted action line from November 25 to March 8 2017-11-19 16:00:17   DİYARBAKIR –Women of KESK, DİSK, TMMOB, DTO and DİK have shared their activities to be organized for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25 to the public opinion and they have announced they have set up an uninterrupted action line from November 25 to March 8.   Diyarbakır Branches of The Confederation of National Health Laborers (KESK), the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), Diyarbakır Chamber of Medicine (DTO) and Democratic Islam Congress (DİK) issued a press statement and announced their activities and actions to be organized on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25. KESK Diyarbakır Spokesperson Rozerin Çatak read the press statement and she highlighted that the women's struggle, achievements and organization have been targeted by emergency decrees issued under the state of emergency. Rozerin criticized the passing of the draft bill allowing muftis to perform marriages.   Noting that many of their colleagues have become unemployed and driven to suicide by emergency decrees, Rozerin talked about the “We want our jobs back” action and the hunger strike launched by Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça and she recalled that they are about to die.   ‘Following our dream from November 25 to March 8’   Rozerin stated that an uninterrupted action line from November 25 to March 8 has been set up by KESK Women’s Assembly and she added, “In accordance with the main motto of our periodical campaigns is ‘Follow’, we will follow all kinds of male-state violence against women, abusers, rapists, killers, mobbing, misogynistic laws and regulations and we will bring those responsible to account.”   Rozerin announced the program of the activities and actions to be held on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25.   Women’s program is as follows;   *Women will set up booths outside of their workplaces for a week and will distribute leaflets in order to call on women to the streets.   *Women will wear cockades in their workplaces for a week in order to display the violence against women.   *On November 21, women will gather in front of the offices of muftis and they will issue a press statement saying, ‘The muftis’ law is void, it should be withdrawn’.   *On November 22, women will send postcards to female prisoners, particularly to Nuriye Gülmen.   *Women will hold rallies, panels, symposiums and congresses in cities themed, ‘What do women face during the state of emergency’ within the scope of ‘We demand democracy not OHAL (State of Emergency)’ campaign launched by women of the KESK, DİSK, TTB and TMMOB.   *On November 25, women will take to the streets with women from women’s organizations, political parties, NGOs and laborers’ organizations.