Relatives of Disappeared: We don’t forget the killers! 2017-11-18 16:39:06   DİYARBAKIR – Relatives of disappeared gathered for 458th time and stated that Tansu Çiler is responsible for hundreds of people forcibly disappeared when she was the Prime Minister and they said “We don’t forget the killers.”   Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch and relatives of disappeared gathered for 458th time with the motto, “Disappeared people must be found; the perpetrators must be tried”. The action was held in the building of the İHD and relatives of disappeared carried the pictures of their loved ones. Commission Against Disappearances of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch member Adnan Örhan reacted to the invitation of Tansu Çiller to the event named “I have right” to be organized on December 5, International Women’s Rights Day (Women in Turkey had the right to vote and be elected in 5 December 1934 for the first time) by the Republican People's Party (CHP).  Adnan said that Tansu Çiler is responsible for hundreds of people disappeared in 1990s when she was the Prime Minister. Adnan continued to talk as follows;   “All mothers here have rights on those who caused the people had been disappeared. We never accept that they will be brought before the society as if they did nothing. We don’t forget the killers. We will make the killers absolutely stand trial.”   Adnan also mentioned the rights violations in prisons and he demanded the rights violations in prisons to be stopped.   Relatives of disappeared asked about the aftermath of Ali Tekdağ, who was shut by armed people at the Şeyh Said Square (Dağkapı) of Diyarbakır province on November 13, 1994 and then forcibly taken into a minibus.   İHD Diyarbakır Branch member Emin Ermin said that according to reports received from Ali’s wife Hatice Tekdağ, her husband was abducted by armed people and she hasn’t received any news from him since then. Emin also said that the family applied to the State Security Court (DGM) many times but the family was told, ‘Don’t come here’.   After five-minute sit-in protest, this week action was ended.