'We are ready to share our bread!' say women of Van province 2017-11-18 10:44:56     Hikmet Tunç   VAN - Women of Van province called for solidarity with the people suffering from earthquake occurred in Eastern and Southern Kurdistan while the balance sheets of the earthquake is getting worse day by day. “We are ready to give our income we earn from selling socks, to share our food and bread,” said the women.   More than 500 people have died and more than 7,000 people have been injured in the earthquake took place in Southern Kurdistan and Eastern Kurdistan centered between Halabja,  Kirmanshan and Sulaimaniyah with a magnitude of 7.3. After the earthquake left many people without house, the people of Kurdistan have continued to send solidarity messages. Women of Van province know very well the pain of an earthquake and its damage and they get ready to be solidarity with earthquake victims.   Women of Van get up early and start to cook bread to be sent to earthquake victims.   A woman named Dırê Cintan, who suffered from the earthquake took place in Van city six years ago, said, “We didn’t find bread and a shelter. First, the people of Iran and Iraq sent us aids. Still there are containers sent from Iran in Van. Now, our people are waiting for aid. We can cook bread for days if needed.”   ‘We are ready to share our bread’   Sümeyye Cintan stated that they stand in every sphere of life with solidarity and she said, “We are ready to share our bread and food. I am calling on everyone; all people in four parts of Kurdistan should unite and be in solidarity with earthquake victims. I am ready to share my bread.”   Mecbure Kaçak lives in the same neighborhood and she also called on the people of Kurdistan, “Everyone should joint their forces. Today the people living there need our help, tomorrow we may need help. I am ready to collect aids for them. I can share what I have.   ‘Mothers can cook soup and sell’   Zekiye Kaya spoke on behalf of Peace Mother Assembly and she said, “We can cook and send what we earn to them.  Particularly Kurdish women should unite and should help the earthquake victims. As Peace Mothers, we are ready to do what we should. We are in solidarity with the people in Iraq and Iran.”