Aycan İrmez: You cannot make women become enemy of each other 2017-11-17 13:36:00   Medine Mamedoğlu   MARDİN - HDP MP Aycan İrmez reacted to the AKP General Prisendent’s speeches “you all should solemnize, marry, and give birth. Muslims should breed...  The terrorist organization in Turkey is very critical. Kurdish people have at least 10-15 children”. Aycan, said “These hate speeches are always the production of pro-coup mindset. They cannot make women become enemy of each other. We will continue to struggle.”   The supporters of AKP continue to produce the speeches that ignore women in every field. Recently AKP General President Tayyip Erdoğan, who recently have pointed Kurdish women as a target, and used the “terrorist organization” statement, said “you all should solemnize, marry, and give birth. Muslims should breed...  The terrorist organization in Turkey is very critical. Kurdish people have at least 10-15 children”. These statements caused eyebrows to raise.   Evaluating the statements of Tayyip, who refer to the Kurdish women by saying “terrorist organization”, HDP Şırnak MP Aycan İrmez, added that these hate speeches are the production of policies that lasts for years, and they want to marginalize women.   ’We won’t bow down against fascistic statements’   Saying that as Kurdish women and Kurdish mothers, they have testified many fascistic mindset events, Aycan stated that the government wants to women become slave with the words that they said. Pointing out that they describe the statements towards women as ‘fascist attack’, Aycan highlighted that the government have a sexist mindset against women. Aycan states that the main purpose of attacks against women is to confine women to house and added “These statements of the government started to differentiate day by day. We won’t bow down these fascistic statements.   ‘The hatret and anger are deepened against Kurdish people’   Aycan said that the statements of Tayyip Erdoğan make hatred and anger against Kurdish people more deepened. Stating that a policy is carried out through women, Aycan said, “Tayyip made three children policies and this succeeded. However, the families are expected to make three babies. They all have poverty, hunger, misery. Now he tries to achieve the goal by using patriotism. For this reason, Kurdish and Turkish women should answer all together.” Emphasizing that they try to reinforce the hostility against Kurdish people with these statements, Aycan said that nobody can have right to describe Kurdish people and women by referring to their children.   Expressing that Tayyip Erdoğan openly commits an offense, Aycan said that the Erdoğan’s “give birth at least three” statement has changed today as “at least 15 children”.   ‘They see women as incubation’   Aycan stated that approach of the authorities of the government in the policies of population is the same from past to present. Saying “due to the concern of increasing the population of Turkish people, he says such things” Aycan emphasized, “It has always been a concern that the Kurds have many children, this is why they carry out this kind of policy. The demand of the government is that women figure should give birth, should serve the country and nation, and shouldn’t question. They see women as incubation.”   ‘The struggle against the hate speeches won’t stop’   At the end of her speech, Aycan emphasized that they won’t give up to struggle against the hate speeches and will stand against these actualized policies. Stating the main reason why their attempt to assimilate couldn’t succeeded until today, is that the Kurdish women has struggled against it for years, said Aycan and added, “With the purpose to make women become enemy of each other, these kinds of speeches are actualized. We struggle here for all women in Turkey and in whole world. These speeches have been made so many times. However, we all know that they cannot reach anywhere with these speeches. The speeches are always the production of pro-coup mindset.  We saw these kinds of things for years in the history. These kinds of speeches couldn’t be a solution up to today, and they won’t be solution now.”