Arrest warrant for Ayşe Acar Başaran 2017-11-17 10:38:06   NEWS CENTER - A warrant has been issued for HDP Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran’s arrest.   A warrant has been issued for -Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman Ayşe Acar Başaran’s arrest by Batman Public Prosecutor's Office on the grounds that she joined two separate marches in Batman in 2014. The hearing has been held at the fourth Heavy Penal Court yesterday.   Ayşe, who has two files at the fourth Heavy Penal Court, didn’t attend the hearing in the morning but her lawyers was there.   Stating that Ayşe sued on charges of joining two marches in Batman in 2014, her lawyer, Özgür Başaran reported that a warrant has been issued for MP Başaran’s two separate files that she has been standed trial.