Campaign on social media for women prisoners subjected to torture 2017-11-15 10:51:23     ELAZIĞ - A campaign has been launched on social media to draw attention to the cruel treatment towards the women prisoners in Elazığ T Type Prison.   The families of the women prisoners in Elazığ T Type Prison, which has recently became a current issue with its right violations and tortures. For this reason, a campaign saying “#ElazığdaİşkenceVar” has been launched on the social media at yesterday evening at 09:00 p.m.    The families’ concerns have became further increased because the former MP of CHP and lawyer Hüseyin Aygün gave more information on their Twitter accounts about the issue yesterday evening.   Hüseyin, made the following statement on his Twitter account: "Today, I have visited the political women prisoners in the Elazığ T-type Penal Institution. I will write the details what the female prisoners, who couldn’t have met with anyone for two months, have demanded and the treatment on the women particularly the group called ‘A Team’ by the wardener.   Among the beatings and cruel treatment, there is also İlke Başak Baydar, who has survived harmed the Suruç massacre of Daesh. Başak, vomited blood after the attack. Terrible."   In Elazığ T Type Prison, political prisoners are being forced to wear identity cards writing "terror" on them. Those who cannot get the cards cannot go out of the ward, including for meeting with their families, telephone, infirmary, and cargo.