‘They attacked Mr. Öcalan's ideology in the person of women’ 2017-11-14 11:45:04   Dilan Babat   VAN - Mentioning the importance of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for women, Kurdish politician Rojbin Sevil Çetin pointed out that attacks against women's gains have increased along with isolation imposed upon him.   Aggravated isolation imposed upon the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is going on. As no meeting has been arranged with him after several social media accounts shared posts saying he died, the actions started in Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe continue. Among those struggling for lifting the isolation and for ensuring freedom for him, the number of women are more. Expressing that the isolation is actually against women, Edremit Municipality former Co-mayor Rojbin Sevil Çetin recalled the words of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan saying, “Society can't be free unless the women are free”.   Mentioning that the role of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan on women has a great importance, Rojbin said, “These words also are the basic value of measurement he gives to the women. Women state that Mr. Öcalan's philosophy and paradigm that value women exist in the Kurdish freedom movement.”   Stating that the women have participated in politics and self-defense, Rojbin added, “This takes place thanks to Mr.Öcalan. Co-presidential system in local government, the only model in the world, is a sign to this.   Recalling the struggle of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan to develop women’s freedom movement, Rojin said, “The leadership and leadership mission that we have attributed to Mr. Öcalan takes its source from this. For this reason, we, as women, give equivalent value to women’s freedom and Mr. Öcalan’s freedom.”   ‘Attack on ideology in the person of women’   Stating that the state also attacks Kurdish politicians and women, Rojbin continued to talk as follows; “These attacks have intensified along with the isolation. First, the women’s system was attacked. Co-mayors were dismissed from their duties, women representatives were jailed. They attacked Mr. Öcalan's ideology in the person of women.   “We must do our best for freedom of Mr. Öcalan. Those who sacrificed themselves in “You cannot shadow our sun” actions showed us how these actions were important. We don’t accept the imprisonment of a leader, who smooth the way for women. As women, we will take part in all resistances.”